god and the holy spirit.
The Divine. Allah. Jehovah. The Creator. The Source. All-That-Is. We chose to use "God" because, to us, it encompasses simply the Infinite Intelligence, the Supreme energy source, and the highest, purest form of Love from which stems All-That-Is.
The Creator is distinct from The Creation yet inseparable. The Creations, such as the universe, our planet and its nature, us, came by the Creator's Will, all marvellously linked together in such perfect complexities. Yet, sparks of the Creator are found in all of the Creation. The power and energy that pulsate from the heavens, planets and stars to us and from us and all beings in the universe come from that Supreme Intelligence. Ultimately the purpose of our entire existence is to transmute our experiences of the illusion of separation until we fully be the divinity and oneness that we are, God.
The Holy Spirit is the energy of God embodied within our being. Some call it the Higher-Self, Higher Consciousness or Divine Presence Within. Allowing the Holy Spirit to live through us means surrendering to the present and silencing our minds and desires to welcome our Divine nature to shine and take the lead.
god's authority.
His authority and Laws confirm our sovereignty. It confirms our ability to choose and create our own reality in every single moment. It is a testament to the perfection of His Creation, one that allows for the growth of our untethered souls in the ultimate respect of our own will.
His authority is irrefutable. It is the applied Laws by which each one of us live. The Law of attraction is one example. We create our reality as we do because of that very authority. The Laws are part of the making of our world.
We are all living under His Sacred Laws and Authority. No worldly authority has power over us and our souls when we acknowledge and live in waking awareness of His Authority.
god's will
It is important to define God's will separately from God's authority (although they can be used interchangeably) because it is easy to use "God's will" to avoid the responsibilities of our own choices. God isn't a temperamental man on a throne wondering how to punish our sins and arbitrarily letting a situation happen or not.
God's will is the perfect working of the universe(s) energies always working out to enable each being to grow. The influence comes from all there is, and is ultimately contributed by our own sequence of choices, actions, thoughts, habits and so forth. Putting our life into God's will isn't really a choice, it simply is. But when you consciously become aware that your life is under God's will, you acknowledge your total responsibility of actions and the ripple effect these actions will have on your future. God's will is the unavoidable, perfect and synchronized working of all the energies at play in any given situation.
god isn't a man
God is neither feminine nor masculine, or man for that matter. We refer to God as "He," or "Him" acknowledging that God is All-There-Is and understanding the difficulty in conveying the God concept using words that are relatable in this particular time and space.
The latin root of the word "man" means "hand". Think of all of the words that include "man" inside and allow it to change your perception of what "man" has been defined as until now. Manage means lead by hand, manipulate means operate by hand, and Woman is man with womb. God isn't limited to any specific energies but encompasses ALL.