god-siblings (gossip)

But one thing we can do, slowly but surely, is redefine and honour the words that once held us together in sacred support in a way that we keep elevating each other in our most vulnerable times.


Julie Michaud Angelatos

12/22/20222 min read

The origin of the word "gossip" isn't what you may think.

I wish to give this beautiful word its meaning back. There is such beauty, support and high-level camaraderie in the term that it deserves to be used by women broadly.

The term "gossip" was used as a short for "God-Siblings." Yes, God-given siblings that women had the privilege of having around in her most vulnerable time: birthing and post-partum. The gossip of women was full of care and the best intentions. Her God-siblings would come to help her, give her the strength to deliver her baby, and accompany her during her transition to motherhood. They would be present and help her with her house chores and other children and ensure her well-being and healing were nurtured. That's what the gossip is, a group of women, related by choice, supporting each other in the most sacred way.

Of course, political unrest isn't anything new, and the men of the time grew worried about the power that women held when they were together, gathering, celebrating, and giving honour to the gods and goddesses of this world. To ensure Christianity and men would hold all authority, subtle and not-so-subtle attacks were made on women (from the weaponizing of witchery (which means "wise women") to a full-fledged women genocide. Fear grew among women, and terms like "gossip" was ridiculed, even vilified. The remnant of this attack on the sacred feminine is still felt today. But one thing we can do, slowly but surely, is to redefine and honour the words that once held us together in sacred support, elevating each other in our most vulnerable times.

I wrote the prayer below as an invitation for my gossip to come and help during and after the birth of the child in my womb. Our family decided to live in a remote place in the mountains, and most of my gossip is far and worldwide. In this way, my God-Siblings can be with me, focused with me, and through the sacred connections that link all there is, they will indeed be with me.

In sharing this prayer with you, I hope you, too, can find solace and strength in these words, knowing that your own gossip will be there every step of the way as you birth, heal and nurture your newborn(s).

Dearest God-Siblings (Gossip),

This is an invitation to hold my hand in this moment
Hold me with assurance and knowing
That my body's wisdom will prevail and that my mind will be free and soaring

In between this realm and the others
I shall walk with love and support from you,
God and all who have cheered on me for always,
in this life and beyond

Hold me, and love me with confidence, with trust
Joy, lightness, and some more joy
Invite this soul, my child, to come earth-side
free, able, and ready for this world

Help me welcome this child to our family
Send all your blessings and gifts
through the connection that links all there is

Join your light to my child and our family,
so we can feel
there are others on the same light path

Support us in a magical moment,
a perfect happening
a readiness for this life

Offer us a cocoon of love
where together we can rest
and take in the miracle of life and love

Accept my infinite gratitude for sharing this birth with me
may you bask in the plenitude of this moment
allow it to nurture your soul in the most profound way