holding your prayer
What kind of prayer do you hold? Your prayer affects your life, and the ripple effects are felt throughout the world. Find out how to combine moments of prayer to achieve the most powerful prayer and bring about the changes you wish to see.
What kind of prayer do you hold? Your prayer affects your life, and the ripple effects are felt throughout the world. Find out how to combine moments of prayer to achieve the most powerful prayer and bring about the changes you wish to see.
1- how to get into the energy of your powerful prayer
Your prayer must come from within. You must feel the flow, your connection with the divine energy that holds All and is in All. The Holy Spirit. To feel the connection, you may recognize the beauty and perfection of the natural world around you. A glance will feed your soul, calm you, and bring you peace. You can delight in its beauty. You feel... the perfection. Instinctively, you forgive any "flaws" because you recognize the perfection of the life cycle, you can give it love without boundaries because you do not have expectations. You appreciate it for all it is.
You can always look at the trees in a forest. Some are bent, some are straight, some with broken branches... and yet you see it all as a perfect whole because you know how they got this way. You understand the perfect order of nature. Surrender to that feeling.
Let this energy ignite your senses, and dive into that forgiveness and love purely. Stay there for as long as you need. This is always how to start a prayer. Bask in the perfection of nature and let its energy and gratitude flow from it.
The next part is difficult for many, yet necessary. That same perfection you experienced around you, now you must recognize it within you. Just as you observe and recognize the beauty of nature, plants, and animals exactly as they are, perfect in their own way, you recognize your own. Their essence and yours are the same, you too are nature. You are capable of this full appreciation of nature because you do not have expectations from it, you appreciate it for what it is! Imagine extending the same love and appreciation for yourself! You have permission to let go of these worldly expectations and surrender to the abundance of yourself without the burden of your own judgment. You open up and allow yourself to receive this love without boundaries, the forgiveness of all you are.
There you are. Where guilt and greed, self-judgement, anything in the way of seeing, feeling and embodying the perfection of you, of your soul, dissipates... at once, you recognize your divinity, God, within. Your prayer must come from that place, within.
2- hold your prayer in every moment
You were created in the image and likeness of The Creator. You accept the responsibility that you create in every moment. In understanding and accepting this, you hold your prayer deep within you. Your heart basks in love and abounds overflows.
Thus, as you learn to recognize the divinity within yourself, you now recognize it in others, as we are all on our path to find God, each at our own rhythm and pace. You acknowledge the perfection and divinity in others and live in full allowance of their creative path. With love and forgiveness outpouring out of you, the prayer you hold has the power to change and transform the path and life of the people you touch. Expanding your heart that way will elevate your and their consciousness so they, too, can see and feel their own divinity and expand their own being, growing closer to God.
Imagine living in this state every day. Living in this state is holding a powerful prayer. You are affecting the world with the most powerful energy: love. Jesus showed us the way through his life in infinite love and forgiveness, he transformed us all.
Note: We pray every moment of every day. We spell our lives, and we co-create the world we live in. We hold a big responsibility, and only through acknowledging our responsibility can we effectively transform. Assess your heart, your thoughts, and the words you speak. This is the prayer you hold. Not the 30 seconds "wish" you pronounced in the morning or late at night. Your prayer is how you live most of the time. Assess your prayer and become conscious of the reality you are creating. You can start shifting your creation and reality with humility and dedication, which all starts within your heart.
Tip: Anytime you say something about someone or a situation, add at the end, "and so it is." It will help you recognize your prayer for what it is as you affirm your creation. So if you say of someone or a group of people, "they don't understand anything!" By adding "so it is" to your statement, you start understanding that you are affirming that people around you don't understand anything. So you will be surrounded by people who don't understand anything. Start recognizing the divinity, and the wholeness of those around you, and your world will shift.
From this prayer, you can "ask" or push the boundaries of your own ability to imagine possibilities. You imagine and embody the life you wish to create for yourself and others.
You pray for the sick to recover, by knowing deep within that health abounds in a person. You pray for abundance by expecting it to be, without the shadow of a doubt. You pray for situations to resolve by acting and living as if the situation had. You keep your prayer with you all day, every day. The most powerful prayer is to choose to surrender to God's Will. From that place of energy and prayer, surrendering means allowing God's gifts and riches beyond your own imagination to be welcomed into your life at the perfect time instead of demanding precise things limited by your understanding of matters. Allow the grandness of God to surprise you, to be enacted through you!
3- delight in your creation, your answered prayer
As you live with your prayer, watch the answers unfold (your creation) before your eyes. See the transformations, and bask in the gratefulness of your heart, deepening your understanding of the perfect working of God.
Imagine the possibilities of each of us holding such a powerful, beautiful, peaceful prayer for the world to unfold before us in perfect harmony with our own vibration.